Are there times in your life when you respond in a highly emotional way, by becoming upset or uncontrollable? Do you wish you could have more control over your emotional regulation? Many people are carrying around a wounded 'inner child' who is crying out for attention. Through a series of guided meditations and self reflective exercises, this course enables you to connect with your inner child in gentle, yet empowering, ways. You'll learn how to connect with your inner child and provide her with the love, attention and acceptance which she has never had. Through reparenting her in a positive manner, she'll learn to move beyond her wounded state which will provide her with the security she needs to allow you to access your adult state. Finally, this course will help you connect with your playful, creative inner child and bring back fun, wonderment and imagination into your adult experience.

Course Curriculum

  Day 1 - Welcome and Introduction
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Day 2 - Your Wounded Inner Child
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Day 3 - Your Controlling Inner Child
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Day 4 - Meeting your inner child
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Day 5 - Parent, Adult and Child States
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Day 6 - Reparenting Your Inner Child
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Day 7 - The Healing Process
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Staying in Your Adult State
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Embracing your Creative, Playful Inner Child
Available in days
days after you enroll

Dr. Claire Jack

Hi, I'm Claire. I'm an experienced therapist and one of Psychology Today's panel of experts, writing regularly about emotional abuse, inner child therapy and women with autism. One of my favourite approaches when I'm working with clients is to work with their inner child. When I first embraced this approach, on a personal level, I managed to overcome trauma which had plagued me for years. By reconnecting with my inner chid and learning how to reparent her, I let go of any self-destructive habits and learned how to control my emotions. I want to share these techniques with you and have designed a series of guided meditations and self-reflective exercises to take you through the steps involved with embracing and caring for your inner child. Working through this course will allow you to transform your life, to take back control over experiences which denied you that control as a child and to access your playful and creative side.

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Reconnecting with your playful child

We all get caught up with our adult responsibilities, but how would it feel to bring fun, creativity and freedom back into your life? Your playful, creative inner child may have been long forgotten and re-embracing her will enhance your life in so many ways.

Healing your inner child

Through guided meditations and self-reflective exercises, begin your journey of connection with your inner child, learn how to reparent, love and support her.

Creating a happier life

When your child feels reassured and cared for, she's happy to let you take control and remain in your adult state, whenever it's appropriate to do so. By nurturing your wounded child within, you nurture yourself in a way which allows you to move forwards in an empowered, emotionally healthy way.