

Hi. I'm Claire and I'm the Principal of Academy of the Inner Mind (AIM). AIM has been offering the GHSC accredited Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy since 2012, in addition to a wide range of CPD courses including the internationally recognised HypnoMenoapuse®, KidsMatters®, Somasense® and HypnoIBS®. Hundreds of students have qualified with AIM and have gone on to establish their own successful practices. The emphasis always remains on keeping courses small enough to provide each and every student the support they require in order to be ethical, confident and safe practitioners.

These same values are evident in the Affiliate Schools Programme, which was established in 2022. As part of AIM's growth, I was keen to expand my training programme. There were a few options available, including hiring more tutors to deliver training and establishing a franchise model. However, none of these fitted comfortably with my values, which include a desire for trainers to deliver training which is as closely matched to their values and personal style as my training is for me. I have developed the Affiliate Schools Programme so that experienced and passionate hypnotherapists can move into the world of training and benefit from the support, expertise and network that I can provide. This is not a franchise. You'll be provided with everything you need to establish a successful school in a short period of time, but you'll be free to deliver the course as you wish (whilst meeting National Occupational Standards).

As an affiliate school, you'll benefit from all my knowledge and experience. In addition to being able to use and adapt course manuals, scripts and client resources, without the usual copyright restrictions, you will receive advice, support, external exam marking, mentoring, and student support should you need it. You'll be guided through the rigorous accreditation process and, in addition to the group train-the- trainer course, you'll receive a 1-2-1 meeting to discuss your business strategy, and another to discuss your website content. You'll also be listed on AIM's website and will benefit from national advertising.

The Affiliate Schools Programme includes:

·       3 day intensive train-the-trainer course via live zoom

·       Guidance and support through accreditation process

·       National advertising for your school and course

·       Course manuals, scripts and resources free from usual copyright PowerPoints, tutor notes and lesson plans

·       Online-portal instruction

·       Programme handbook, health & safety policy & complaints procedure

·      Assignment setting, external marking & student support Mentoring & 1-2-1 business & marketing strategy meetings

In this, your online portal, you'll find all the resources you require for training, including your Train-the-Trainer manual as a downloadable PDF, course PowerPoints and Programme Handbook. You'll also find all the resources you'll require to work with your students, including training manual and course scripts. These are provided in downloadable .doc format so that you can change them as required, including designing your own front cover and incorporating your business name and logo.
