What's Covered in the Phobia Fix

This course is designed to give you everything you need to effectively and permanently eliminate specific phobias in your clients—often in just one session. You’ll learn a structured, neuroscience-backed approach that goes beyond traditional methods like the Rewind Technique and instead focuses on imaginal exposure, anchoring, and altering emotional memory for deep, lasting change.

Here’s what we’ll cover:

1. Understanding Phobias

  • What a phobia is and how it differs from general anxiety
  • The neuroscience of phobias—how they form and why they persist
  • Common causes of phobias, including learned experiences and sudden traumas
  • The difference between specific and complex phobias (and why we treat them differently)

2. Real-World Case Studies

  • In-depth case studies of people with severe phobias and how they were successfully treated
  • Breaking down different phobia presentations and treatment outcomes
  • What to look for in clients who may have secondary gain and how to address it

3. The Phobia Fix Protocol

A clear, structured method for treating phobias effectively, that is rooted our understanding of the latest scientific approaches to phobia. You'll learn to treat your client in one session with the following approaches:

  • How to make the most of your pre-session quesitonnaire so that you're prepared for your client before you even meet them
  • Using CBT combined with imaginal exposure and NLP anchoring
  • Applying the Hypno Beta Blocker
  • Using powerful reframing language during the ego-strengthening phase of your work together
  • Providing your client with a recording to reinforce your work
  • Learning how to apply parts therapy to phobias for clients who might be more resistant
  • Applying the Fast Phobia technique in a safe and accessible manner
  • You'll also learn how to signpost clients on who haven't responded to your work together and how to redirect the course of therapy with the client's consent, where appropriate
  • Creating a social media calendar which acknowledges the demand for certain treatments at specific times of the year and understanding how to make valuable connections to advertise your services is also covered during the course.

By the end of this course, you’ll have a proven, step-by-step approach that allows you to help clients quickly, effectively, and permanently—without the need for multiple drawn-out sessions.
