Diploma in Positive Hypnotherapy
Neuroscience of Hypnosis - Module 3
Seeing Into the Brain and the Default Mode Network (13:33)
The Salience Network and the Mind:Body Connection (20:32)
What is Positive Psychology and Positive Hypnotherapy? - Module 6
What is Positive Psychology?
Goal setting
Symbiosis between hypnotherapy and positive psychology (4:07)
Focus of sessions
Hypnotic Inductions: How to Hypnotise Almost Anybody - Module 7
Inductions overview
Direct induction
Indirect induction
Confusion induction
Deepeners (4:47)
Termination of trance state (4:46)
Hypnotic Language - Module 9
Overview (4:01)
Solution-focused Questioning
Directing Your Client Towards a Positive Outlook with Positive Language (16:29)
Ericksonian approach and Milton Model language (16:28)
Clean language
Using scripts (2:02)
Writing your own scripts (4:46)
Establishing Rapport - Module 4
Establishing and maintaining client rapport
Meta communication & client feedback
Active listening
Empathy, acceptance & congruence
Client-therapist boundaries
Transference & counter-transference
Client actions, reactions and interactions
Creating a Supportive Therapeutic Environment - Module 5
Online therapy
Implied and informed consent
Signposting clients
Client cooperation and participation
Creating a Welcoming Therapy Space
Initial contact form
Legal considerations
Session Protocol - Module 10
Pre-session contact
Taking your client on a journey
Session 1
Session 2
Session 3
Session 4
Working With Weight Loss Clients - Module 11
Helping your clients lose weight gently yet powerfully
Helping Clients Quit Smoking - Module 12
How hypnosis can help your clients quit smoking for good
Self-esteem & Self-confidence - Module 13
Guiding your clients towards self-acceptance and self-confidence
Stress management & Mild Anxiety - Module 15
Understanding stress vs anxiety and how to treat these conditions
Public Speaking and Interview Nerves - Module 16
Helping your client feel more confident in public (5:51)
Establishing Your Practice and Attracting Clients - Module 17
Defining your niche and USP (5:30)
Branding and positioning your practice
Setting up your practice (9:58)
Marketing and attracting clients (11:15)
Client retention and building relationships
Scripts, client forms and resources - Module 18
Client forms
Client scripts
Scripts for recordings - note add and check
Website content
Website Q and A
Teach online with
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